Genode OS Framework release 10.02 Feb 24, 2010Among a variety of platform-related improvements, the release 10.02 adds support for the NOVA and Codezero kernels and introduces a new concept for managing real-time priorities. Succeeding the previous feature-rich release, the Genode project took the chance to focus on extending the base-platform support of the framework. We are happy to report that we were able to complement the already broad range of supported kernels by two new modern microkernels namely NOVA and Codezero, both first released in 2009. Thereby, Genode provides a unified user-level infrastructure that runs directly on those kernels as well as on Linux (32 bit and 64 bit), OKL4v2 (x86 and ARMv4), L4/Fiasco, and L4ka::Pistachio. For developers creating microkernel-based applications, the framework hides the intricacies of the respective kernel. But it also strives to make the unique capabilities of each base platform accessible to the user. For example, with the new release, we made the real-time scheduling of OKL4 and L4ka::Pistachio available to Genode applications. Read on the full story about our experiences with the new kernels and the many improvements of the release 10.02... |