Article about building a simple seL4 root task Oct 30, 2014

As we have just kicked off our work on porting Genode to the seL4 microkernel, we took the chance to document the process in the form of a series of articles. The first part covers the steps of creating a minimalistic root task.

The seL4 kernel is a modern microkernel jointly developed by NICTA and General Dynamics. This summer, it was released under GPL, which makes it intriguing as a potential base platform for Genode. Its biggest appeal stems from the fact that there exists a formal proof of correctness of the kernel code. But besides this assuring attribute, with solid kernel resource management, support for capability-based security, and good performance, it is attractive on technical merits too.

The article "Genode on seL4 - Building a simple root task from scratch" covers the first steps of enabling Genode to run on seL4. It describes the integration of the kernel code with Genode's source tree and the steps taken to create a minimalistic root task that runs on the kernel. It is full of hands-on information about the methodology of such a porting effort and describes the experience with using the kernel from the perspective of someone with no prior association with the seL4 project. Read the article...

All the steps described in the article can be followed in the topic branch of the current development.