Documentation of the Genode OS Framework
The documentation is divided into the following categories
- Genode Foundations
The book is Genode's reference documentation. It can be browsed online or downloaded as PDF.
- General overview
This high-level documentation addresses people with general interest in the concepts and features of Genode.
- Architecture
The description of the Genode architecture provides in-depth coverage of the interfaces and mechanisms Genode is based on. It addresses system architects experienced in system-software development.
- Components overview
The document explains the categorization of Genode's components and lists all building blocks that are ready to use with the current implementation of the framework.
- Developer resources
The hands-on guides for developers using or contributing to Genode provide a smooth introduction to the structure of the code base and the build system. Furthermore, you can find tutorials about experimenting with Genode and developing custom applications.
- Base platforms
Genode supports a variety of different kernels as base platforms. This section provides guidance for using Genode with each of those kernels.
- Release notes
The release-notes archive contains a detailed history of the improvements introduced with the major versions the Genode OS framework.
- Articles
This section contains technical articles on Genode.