Road map 2010
Jan 04, 2010
We have updated our road map with the planning of the year 2010.
With the start of the new year, its time to pause for a moment, looking back
the progress we made during 2009, and planning the next steps. The overall
theme of 2009 was the creation of fundamental base functionality to make the
framework usable for practical applications. We are proud when revisiting the
long list of achievements introduced with the four releases of the past year:
Support for the OKL4 and l4ka::Pistachio kernels, Linux device-driver
environment, networking, USB input and storage, dynamic linking, Qt4 including
Webkit, and support for a paravirtualized Linux kernel. With this strong
foundation in place, its time to raise the bar again.
Please read on about our updated road map for 2010...