Genode's core running on the seL4 kernel May 18, 2015

In the third part of our seL4 article series, we describe the steps taken to run Genode's fundamental components on seL4.

The article "Porting the core component" builds upon the experience gained from the first two articles to execute Genode-based systems on top of seL4. As for the previous articles, it is full of technical insights into both seL4 and Genode. Among the many challenges that had to be overcome are the management of capabilities and memory, the synchronous RPC communication between components, and the handling of page faults. As result, simple Genode system scenarios can be readily executed on top of the seL4 kernel. Read the article...

All the steps described in the article can be followed in the topic branch of the ongoing development. Furthermore, the principle support for seL4 will be featured in the upcoming Genode release 15.05.