Next steps

There are several possible ways to continue your exploration.

  1. To form a mental model of how Genode works, give Chapter Architecture a read. In particular, Sections Capability-based security, Recursive system structure, Resource trading, and Inter-component communication deserve your attention. Section Component composition nicely complements this theoretic material with a number of illustrative examples.

  2. If you are eager to see Genode's potential unfolded, try out the Genode-based operating system called Sculpt OS, which is available as a downloadable system image along with thorough documentation.

    Sculpt OS

  3. Genode comprises a feature set of hundreds of ready-to-use components, which are fun to discover and to combine. Most components are not only accompanied with documentation in the form of README files local to the respective source code, but come with at least one ready-to-use run script or test package, which illustrates the integration of the component in executable form. After familiarizing yourself with the concept of run scripts by reading Section System integration and automated testing, review the run/ and recipes/pkg/ subdirectories of the various source-code repositories, for example those at repos/os/run/ or repos/gems/run/.

  4. To follow the work of the Genode community, learn about current lines of work, plans, and experiences, head to the community blog.