Object lifetime management

Thread-safe weak pointers

Dangling pointers represent one of the most common cause for instabilities of software written in C or C++. Such a situation happens when an object disappears while pointers to the object are still in use. One way to solve this problem is to explicitly notify the holders of those pointers about the disappearance of the object. But this would require the object to keep references to those pointer holders, which, in turn, might disappear as well. Consequently, this approach tends to become a complex solution, which is prone to deadlocks or race conditions when multiple threads are involved.

The utilities provided by base/weak_ptr.h implement a more elegant pattern called "weak pointers" to deal with such situations. An object that might disappear at any time is represented by the Weak_object class template. It keeps track of a list of so-called weak pointers pointing to the object. A weak pointer, in turn, holds privately the pointer to the object alongside a validity flag. It cannot be used to dereference the object. For accessing the actual object, a locked pointer must be created from a weak pointer. If this creation succeeds, the object is guaranteed to be locked (not destructed) until the locked pointer gets destroyed. If the object no longer exists, the locked pointer will become invalid. This condition can (and should) be detected via the Locked_ptr::is_valid() function prior dereferencing the pointer.

In the event a weak object gets destructed, all weak pointers that point to the object are automatically invalidated. So a subsequent conversion into a locked pointer will yield an invalid pointer, which can be detected (in contrast to a dangling pointer).

To use this mechanism, the destruction of a weak object must be deferred until no locked pointer points to the object anymore. This is done by calling the function Weak_object::lock_for_destruction() at the beginning of the destructor of the to-be-destructed object. When this function returns, all weak pointers to the object will have been invalidated. So it is save to destruct and free the object.







Late and repeated object construction

The construct_at utility allows for the manual placement of objects without the need to have a global placement new operation nor the need for type-specific new operators.


The Genode framework promotes a programming style that largely avoids dynamic memory allocations. For the most part, higher-level objects aggregate lower-level objects as class members. This functional programming style leads to robust programs but it poses a problem for programs that are expected to adopt their behaviour at runtime. A way to selectively replace an aggregated object by a new version with updated constructor arguments is desired. The Reconstructible utility solves this problem by wrapping an object of the type specified as template argument. In contrast of a regular object, a Reconstructible object can be re-constructed any number of times by calling construct with the constructor arguments. It is accompanied with a so-called Constructible utility, which leaves the wrapped object unconstructed until construct is called the first time.

